
Russell 3000- Full Tweet Archive

The universe of tweets that contain a Russell 3000 firm's cashtag from 2012 to 2023. The dataset is maintained at both the tweet level and the firm-day level.  

Emoji Point-in-Time Scored Dictionaries

A comprehensive list of emojis used on Twitter in reference to a R3000 firm since 2012. Emoji usage is separated into time periods and scored using a proprietary scoring algorithm. The final data consist of point-in-time scores for emoji usage, in a financial context, from 2012 to 2022.

Financial Tweet User Archive

This is a comprehensive dataset of all Twitter users that have mentioned a Russell 3000 firm in a tweet they authored since 2012. All individual and account level variables are maintained in the data.  

Publicly Traded Banks- Tweet Archive

A dataset consisting of tweets that mention a publicly traded bank in the text of the tweet. The data spans from 2020 to 2023. The dataset is maintained at the tweet level and the firm-day level.